Charlie Brown’s Teacher


Just the other day a lady came into the office. She was quite distraught and upset. With panic in her voice she asked “Can you please tell me where such and such is? I’m normally good with directions but I must have been turned around some where.”

I went ahead and drew her a map with detailed instructions. The very first line read, “Turn LEFT when you exit the parking lot…” Simple. I even drew arrows. Nice pretty ones!

After thanking me and leaving the office, I went back to my desk and continued a meeting that I was in the middle of. I couldn’t help notice out of the corner of my eye…right! She turned right! 50/50 chance of getting it wrong and she did. What was she thinking? What did she hear? Maybe my voice was like Charlie Brown’s Teacher to her. Wah Wah Wah Wah!

What do you hear when someone gives you directions? Do you only hear them but not listen? Are you so focused on what you think is right that you dismiss what solutions are given to you?

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the speed of sound), how fast do you tune out the person who you asked help for?

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